入围第23届上海国际电影节主竞赛单元。 8. 《国宝险途/Buddhist Scriptures In Danger》(中国) 导演:赵建平ZHAO Jianping, 伍松WU Song 影片讲述了八路军战士在日寇的围追堵截中迂回避...
In Muli county, Sichuan province, people customarily go to temples on the third day of the new year on the Chinese lunar calendar to pray that there will be no forest fire ...
Chancellor in danger Merkel could now try to convince the Social Democratic Party, which has been the junior coalition partner in her government since 2013, to return to th...
The 60-year-old has lived in Longgang township in western Yancheng since childhood and his village, he recalled, used to be "beautiful and green." But that had changed when the factory opened eight years ago, he said. "Everyone here knows how much ...